I posted something similar to this yesterday, but now I'd like something a little different from my query-
I'm trying to query a database to retrieve the number of one-time users who have visited a website over time. The data looks something like this:
Day | UserID
1 | A
1 | B
2 | B
3 | A
4 | B
4 | C
5 | D
I'd like the query result to look this this
Day 1 to Day 1 | 2
Day 1 to Day 2 | 1
Day 1 to Day 3 | 0
Day 1 to Day 4 | 1
Day 1 to Day 5 | 2
The result is 2,1,0,1,2 because, at the end of those days, there are X number of users who have visited a single time. e.g. for day 5, at the end of day 5, users c and d have visited only once each.
I think I'm looking for a query similar to this:
select d.day, (select count(distinct userid) from visits where day<=d.day)
from (select distinct day from visits) d
The difference between the query above and what I'm looking for is that I'd like this new query to consider only one-time users for each time span, and not repeat users.
This subquery should work for the clarified requirements.
select d.day, count(distinct case when b.userid is null then a.userid end)
from (select day from visits group by day) d
inner join
select a.day, a.userid, count(*) c
from visits a
join visits b on a.userid=b.userid and b.day <= a.day
group by a.day, a.userid
having count(*) = 1
) a on a.day <= d.day
left join
select a.day, a.userid, count(*) c
from visits a
join visits b on a.userid=b.userid and b.day <= a.day
group by a.day, a.userid
having count(*) > 1
) b on a.userid = b.userid and b.day <= d.day
group by d.day
You must have taken the idea from SQL Server - it is the only RDBMS (IIRC) that will allow you to reference a twice removed (nesting) query. Please indicate what you want and we can rewrite the query.
For the exact query shown, you don't need 2 levels of subquery
C.col_c1 AS Data,
SELECT count(col_b1)
FROM tbl
WHERE col_b2 <= C.col_c1
) A
SELECT col_c1 # subquery to get distinct c1
FROM tbl
GROUP BY col_c1) C;