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How can I check to see if a task is ran as a dependency of another task in gulp@4?

I use gulp-notify to trigger notifications when tasks complete. If a task is ran standalone, a notification for that specific task is triggered. If a task is ran as a dependency of another task, a notification for all dependencies is triggered.

In gulp@3, I check if the task is being called as a dependency using gulp.seq, which contains an array of the tasks being ran. Let's say I have three tasks: default, styles, and scripts, with the later two set as dependencies of the first. When running gulp styles, gulp.seq will contain [ 'styles' ]. When running gulp (the default task), gulp.seq will contain [ 'styles', 'scripts', 'default' ]. Knowing that, I then check gulp.seq.indexOf("styles") > gulp.seq.indexOf("default"), which tells me weather or not styles was ran as part of the default task.

With gulp@4, it appears that gulp.seq no longer exists. I've tried digging through the documentation and source code with no luck. It seems like gulp.tree({ deep:true }) (docs) might be what I'm looking for, but I don't see anything in it that returns anything useful.

Is there an equivalent of gulp.seq in gulp@4?


  • Through a bit of luck, I discovered this was possible via the module yargs, which I already have installed.

    When running gulp styles, for example, I can check argv._.indexOf("styles") > -1, as it contains ['styles']. When running gulp (i.e the default task), it contains []. In my testing, this works perfectly for my use case.