I use a bash script (konsole-name.sh) to change a terminal name, like this:
echo -en "\e]30;$1\a"
and I wanted to use the same method from a perl script that I use to check the GPU temperature, so that it updates periodically the window title.
Yet I didnt find a way. I tried both this:
$comm='echo -en "\e]30;T=$t\a"';
and this, using my bash script:
$comm="konsole-name.sh T=$t";
there is some way to do it?
The console escape sequences work by printing text to the terminal. In your case, the backticks gobble up the output of the script.
Most likely you just want print "\e]30;$1\a"; from within Perl:
my $title = "Fancy terminal title";
print "\e]30;${title}\a";