I am using Cloud speech to text api to convert audio file to text file. I am executing it using python, Below is code.
import io
import os
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"]="D:\\Sentiment_Analysis\\My Project 59503-717155d6fb4a.json"
# Imports the Google Cloud client library
from google.cloud import speech
from google.cloud.speech import enums
from google.cloud.speech import types
# Instantiates a client
client = speech.SpeechClient()
# The name of the audio file to transcribe
file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname('D:\CallADoc_VoiceImplementation\audioclip154173607416598.amr'),'CallADoc_VoiceImplementation','audioclip154173607416598.amr')
# Loads the audio into memory
with io.open(file_name, 'rb') as audio_file: content = audio_file.read()
audio = types.RecognitionAudio(content=content)
config = types.RecognitionConfig(encoding=enums.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16,sample_rate_hertz=16000,language_code='en-IN')
# Detects speech in the audio file
response = client.recognize(config, audio)
for result in response.results: print('Transcript: {}'.format(result.alternatives[0].transcript))
When i execute the sample/tested audio file in the name "audio.raw", the audio is converting and result is like below.
runfile('C:/Users/sandesh.p/CallADoc/GoogleSpeechtoText.py', wdir='C:/Users/sandesh.p/CallADoc')
Transcript: how old is the Brooklyn Bridge
But for same code, i am recording a audio and try to convert, it is giving empty result like below:
runfile('C:/Users/sandesh.p/CallADoc/GoogleSpeechtoText.py', wdir='C:/Users/sandesh.p/CallADoc')
I am trying to fix this from past 2 days and please help me to resolve this.
Try following the troubleshooting steps to have your audio with the appropriate settings.
For instance, your audio file will have the following settings, which are required to have better results:
Encoding: FLAC
Channels: 1 @ 16-bit
Sampleratehertz: 16000Hz