I am currently using Swagger to define an API with many end-points, and each one of those end-points all have the same definition for the 'x-amazon-apigateway-integration' key. I would like to define this somewhere in the document, and re-use that definition through-out.
Either I am not understanding how the definition should be defined, I am not placing it in the correct location or a mix of the two. I have tried defining this definition within 'definitions', and as some alias under it's own key. The definition (with key information removed) is:
statusCode: '200'
passthroughBehavior: when_no_match
httpMethod: POST
uri: >-
arn:aws:apigateway:<region>:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/<lambda arn>/invocations
credentials: '<role arn>'
type: aws
requestTemplates: "application/json": "<object definition>"
I have tried defining this as an alias under it's own key (not definitions, but the same base scope):
Amazon: &Amazon
- responses:
statusCode: '200'
- passthroughBehavior: when_no_match
- httpMethod: POST
- uri: >-
arn:aws:apigateway:<region>:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/<lambda arn>/invocations
- credentials: '<role arn>'
- type: aws
- requestTemplates:
"application/json": "<object definition>"
To use, I have the following:
The error received on API Gateway import is 'Unable to parse API definition because of a malformed integration at path /'
I have also tried defining this under 'definitions', and using 'ref' to access it:
type: object
statusCode: '200'
passthroughBehavior: when_no_match
httpMethod: POST
uri: >-
arn:aws:apigateway:<region>:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/<lambda arn>/invocations
credentials: '<role arn>'
type: aws
"application/json": "<object definition>"
To use, I have the following:
$ref: '#/definitions/Amazon'
On import to API Gateway I receive the following error(s):
Your API was not imported due to errors in the Swagger file.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Using YAML anchors seems like a good idea. The correct syntax is as follows.
Add the following on the root level of your OpenAPI file:
x-definitions: # <--- "x-" before "definitions" prevents it from being
# attempted to be parsed as an OpenAPI Schema object.
type: object
x-amazon-apigateway-integration: &Amazon # <--- "&Amazon" is the anchor
statusCode: '200'
passthroughBehavior: when_no_match
httpMethod: POST
uri: >-
arn:aws:apigateway:<region>:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/<lambda arn>/invocations
credentials: '<role arn>'
type: aws
"application/json": "<object definition>"
Then you can refer to the anchor like this:
x-amazon-apigateway-integration: *Amazon
However, it might be that AWS parser does not support YAML anchors (&...
, *...
). In that case you can try pre-processing your definition using a parser that can resolve YAML anchors and then feed the resolved file to AWS.