I have a text document (.txt), there I have n
lines that have to be split up, but the point is I don't have delimiter. I know the length of each variable that doesn't change.
For example, the first variable is the from the 25 character to 35; the second one, from 36 to 47; then from 48 to 78, then from 79 to 119, and this until the 360th character of the line.
I guess that the solution is by double loop, one for each line and the other one for each variable, but I cannot get it.
If you need more information just ask, I am completely lost.
Steps you need to take:
1 & 2: Your workbook needs a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime in order to give you access to the FileSystemObject. I'll let you research that.
Create a FileSystemObject and use that to create a TextStream with the path to your file.
currentLine = textStream.ReadLine()
Do Until textStream.EOF
If Len(currentLine) = 360 Then
firstChunk = Mid$(currentLine, 25, 10)
secondChunk = Mid$(currentLine, 36, 11)
thirdChunk = Mid$(currentLine, 48, 30)
fourthChunk = Mid$(currentLine, 78, 30)
' Do stuff with chunks
End If
currentLine = textStream.ReadLine()
In due course you could get fancy and have an array populated with paired items detailing the starting point of a chunk and how many chars it is, something like:
Dim arrChunkPoints As Variant
Dim arrChunks As Variant
arrChunkPoints = Array(25,10, _
36,11, _
48,30, _
ReDim arrChunks(UBound(arrChunkPoints)\2) ' Integer returned
This would allow you to step over the items in arrChunkPoints and populate each element of arrChunks with a section of currentLine using Mid$(), but populated with the values from arrChunkPoints. But this is probably for another day.