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HTTP Request retry on particular error using interceptor and retrywhen

I have a service that makes a call to GET API and receives a response back. I have implemented HTTP Interceptor to properly and globally handle any errors though out the application. I want to do is, when my API returns a particular error, say for example, error 501, I need to retry that request for n no of times and t seconds of delay before every request. I also want to handle a generic error if my retries are over(i.e. if I get error on the last retry, I want to handle it in a particular way). Please help me figure out how to solve this issue.

This is all implemented using Angular 6, solution with correct syntax will be appreciated.

Thank you


  • You may consider doing this using retryWhen, delay, tap, scan of RxJS. Something like the following code where an Angular service invokes the Google APIs to authenticate a user in an app that doesn't run on a browser, for e.g. a desktop app. This service uses RxJS to retry the REST API calls at a specific interval in case of failure due to unstable internet connection:

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
    import { retryWhen, delay, tap, scan, concatMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
      providedIn: 'root'
    export class GoogleDeviceAuthService {
      private readonly client_id = "<client-id>";
      private readonly client_secret = "<client-secret>";
      private readonly userCodeRequest = {
        "client_id": this.client_id,
        "scope": "email profile"
      private readonly pollGoogleAuthServerRequestTemplate = {
        "client_id": this.client_id,
        "client_secret": this.client_secret,
        "code": "",
        "grant_type": ""
      private readonly userCodeUrl = "";
      private readonly pollGoogleAuthServerUrl = "";
      constructor(private readonly http: HttpClient) { }
      public getUserCode() {
        return, this.userCodeRequest)
            retryWhen(err => err.pipe(
                (retryCount, err) => {
                  if (retryCount > 3)
                    throw err;
                    return retryCount + 1;
                }, 0
              tap(err => console.log("Retrying...", err))
      public checkAuthServerForUserInput(deviceCode) {
        let pollGoogleAuthServerRequest = { 
            ...{ "code": deviceCode } };
        return, pollGoogleAuthServerRequest)
            retryWhen(err => err.pipe(
                (retryCount, err) => {
                  if (retryCount > 3)
                    throw err;
                    return retryCount + 1;
                }, 0
              tap(err => console.log("Retrying...", err))