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Klov Server throwing freemarker.core._TemplateModelException - Not able to generate/see any extent reports on Klov Server

Successfully installed klov server on localhost:90 and mongodb 3.2 is running/listening on port 27017

After login to localhost:90 with klovadmin/password, command prompt for klov showing "Error executing FreeMarker template"

   2018-11-13 015:54:07.367 ERROR 10504 --- [ qtp19615804-36]
   freemarker.runtime                       : Error executing FreeMarker

   freemarker.core._TemplateModelException: Java method
   "com.aventstack.klov.viewdefs.Color.byStatus(String)" threw an
   exception when invoked on com.aventstack.klov.viewdefs.Color object
   "com.aventstack.klov.viewdefs.Color@1f29da2"; see cause exception in
   the Java stack trace.

   ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
           - Failed at: ${Color.byStatus(project.lastReport.s...  [in template "" at line 46, column 117]
           at freemarker.ext.beans._MethodUtil.newInvocationTemplateModelException( ~[freemarker-2.3.28.jar!/:2.3.28]
           at freemarker.ext.beans._MethodUtil.newInvocationTemplateModelException( ~[freemarker-2.3.28.jar!/:2.3.28]

Error Screenshot


  • This error was related to Klov-0.2.0, which is not currently supported for C# (only java at this time).

    To run the server use Klov-0.1.1 which is available at