Is there a way to convert a relative path to an absolute path in KDB?
For example:
filePath: `$concat[localPath,"\\",inProcessID,"\\",filename]
Which returns:
`..\..\code\products\Q\ShortLocator2\Request Files\1\Locate_CCL_11-13-2018_074736.csv
And then now I want to convert this to absolute path.
Ultimately you should solve the problem of why your "localPath" variable is relative in the first place, but here is an ugly function to solve your problem:
q){hsym `$("\\" sv neg[c]_"\\" vs system"cd"),"\\","\\" sv (c:count where ".."~/:a)_a:"\\" vs string x}[filePath]
`:C:\Users\code\products\Q\ShortLocator2\Request Files\1\Locate_CCL_11-13-201..
It is specific to windows