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Issues in upgrading ML libraries using AWS Sagemaker Notebook's Lifecycle configurations

I use the following script to automate upgrading of my libraries.

My script (Start Notebook):


set -e

echo 'Before:'
echo $PATH

export PATH=/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/JupyterSystemEnv/bin:/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/bin/:/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-amazon-linux/4.8.5:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/aws/bin:/usr/local/mpi/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/aws/bin:$PATH

echo 'After:'
echo $PATH

echo `pwd`

source /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/bin/activate tensorflow_p36

pip install pandas --upgrade

pip install tensorflow-gpu --upgrade


I get the following error, how can I point to the correct location(/home/ec2-user) of keras instead of /root

cp: cannot stat ‘/root/.keras/keras_tensorflow.json’: No such file or directory 

Full Logs:

cp: cannot stat ‘/root/.keras/keras_tensorflow.json’: No such file or directory

Without lifecycle configuration:

All the commands in the above script works.

Actual keras.json file is exising, under /home/ec2-user when I remove the lifecycle configuration with the following value.

sh-4.2$ cat .keras/keras.json
    "backend": "tensorflow"


  • Looks like pip install in your case executed "outside" of virtualenv

    try to change from:

    source /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/bin/activate tensorflow_p36


    source /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/bin/activate tensorflow_p36 && pip install pandas tensorflow-gpu --upgrade

    and delete redundant lines