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invalid Client for exchange code _ identityserver3 _ AppAuth

I'm using AppAuth framework for authentication in my Swift app, I can login but after login and coming back to my app, I can't exchange the code and get error invalid client.

My client configuration is:

var client = new Client
    ClientId = "IOS.Client",
    ClientName = "IOS Client",
    RedirectUris = { "com.mysite.accounts:/oauthredirect" },
    AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Code, //AuthorizationCode
    AllowedScopes = { "openid", "profile", "offline_access" },

I set ClientSecret (SHA-256) and my ClientId is ok but I get error invalid client.

I checked my logs and there is an error: secret validators could not validate secret

what's wrong?


  • When using IdentityServer3 and AppAuth you should not use special characters in ClientSecret and set your grant AuthorizationCodeWithProofKey.

    this link is useful