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Lineage is not visible for Hive Managed Table in HDP Atlas

I am using Atlas with HDP for creating the lineage flow for my hive tables but the lineage is only visible for the Hive External tables. I have created hive managed tables and perform a join operation to create a new table and imported the hive meta store using placed under hook-bin folder. But the lineage for the managed table is not visible.

Even the HDFS directory is not listed for the managed table. But, if I check for the external table HDFS directory is available.

Can anyone help me over here? Thanks in advance.


  • There were two factors which were causing the issue in my case, first was with the Hive-Hook and second was with offsets.topic.replication.factor. To resolve this below steps were implemented:-

    1) Re-install Hive Hook for the atlas Grep the lists of the services installed for Apache Atlas and re-install the Hive-Hook jar

    2) Kafka offset replication property Changes the offsets.topic.replication.factor value to 1.

    By implementing the above changes, lineage is reflecting in the Atlas itself for Hive as well as sqoop.