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Trailing end-of-lines in C++ with Tortoise SVN

I'm new to a team that uses SVN for source control. I'm used to Git myself, so I'm really at a loss with all of SVN's pre-commit/post-checkout filters for tracked files.

I've commited some C++ source code with standard-compliant trailing end-of-lines using TortoiseSVN (on Windows). One colleague, also on Windows and using TortoiseSVN GUI client sees the same files as I committed: they have trailing \n. Another uses the svn command-line client on Linux and sees files with no trailing \n.

Looking at the files using the web-based Visual SVN server source code browser, we can see that the committed source files do not contain the trailing \n. This makes me think the problem is on the client side of both TortoiseSVN users. Also, if I commit a file with two trailing \n characters, only one of them is removed.

Question: how do I disable this behavior, so that source files are modified exactly as I committed them? All my editors are configured to produce UTF-8 encoded text, spaces-only (no tabs) with Unix line-endings and add the trailing \n automatically. I'd like this to be committed as is.


  • have a look at the svn:eol-style property and the auto-props section in the config file.