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How to write a WPF async unit test for a method that uses Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke?

We have an application written in WPF. I'm trying to write a unit test for some code that runs on background threads. On a few place in this code we need to do things on the UI thread. In those places we use the following code structure:

Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
// do something on UI thread

When I create an async unit test it seems to get stuck on the Invoke method. I guess this is because the dispatcher is not "dispatching". I've tried to fix this by using a class called DisaptcherUtil that is referenced in a number of places on the internet. But I can't get this to work. A simplistic version of my code now looks like this:

    public async Task TestDispatcher()
        new Application();


        await Task.Run(() => MethodUsingDispatcher());

    private void MethodUsingDispatcher()
        Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
            Console.WriteLine("On the dispatchee thread!");

        Console.WriteLine("BAck to background trhead");

    public static class DispatcherUtil
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        public static void DoEvents()
            DispatcherFrame frame = new DispatcherFrame();
                new DispatcherOperationCallback(ExitFrame), frame);

        private static object ExitFrame(object frame)

            ((DispatcherFrame)frame).Continue = false;
            return null;

When I run the test called "TestDispatcher" it just hangs.

Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? Is this the right way to do this or should I instead go down the route of creating an interface for the Dispatcher that I could mock in the tests. I've seen this done in some places.


  • I'd say that you should hide the dispatching behind an interface and mock it in the unit tests:

    interface IDispatcher
        void Dispatch(Action action);

    You can easily mock this in your tests and expect to those dispatched calls.

    An implementation which uses the real dispatcher and can be used by your app:

    public class Dispatcher : IDispatcher
        public void Dispatch(Action action)