I'm making a script to automate Outlook 2016. I have one account with two different inboxes from clients.
At the end of the script, I need to send an email from the name of the inbox the script is run from. I'm authorized to send email in the name of both inboxes, but I can't get the script to do it. I post my actual code:
Function Send-Email {
param ([String]$desde,[String]$subject,[String]$buzon,[String]$inc)
$mail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$firma ="
$mail.subject = "Closed Ticket "+$subject
[String]$cuerpo =@"
Dear colleague,
bla bla bla
Thank you.
$mail.sender = $buzon
$mail.body = $cuerpo+" "+$firma
$mail.To = $desde
Start-Sleep 3
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$desde = client2@mail.com
$buzon = inbox1@mail.com
$inc = 000000001
$subject = "Automat request"
Send-Email -desde $desde -subject $asunto -buzon $Buzon1 -inc $inc
I finally used this lines and work well:
$mail.SentOnBehalfOfName = "inbox1d@mail.com"
$mail.SendUsingAccount = $Outlook.Session.Accounts | where {$_.DisplayName -eq $FromMail}
Function Send-Email {
param (
$firma = 'Textplan'
$cuerpo = "Dear colleague,`r`nbla bla bla`r`nThank you."
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$mail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$mail.subject = 'Closed Ticket ' + $subject
$mail.sender = $buzon
$mail.body = "$cuerpo $firma"
$mail.SentOnBehalfOfName = "inbox1d@mail.com"
$mail.SendUsingAccount = $Outlook.Session.Accounts | where {$_.DisplayName -eq $FromMail}
Start-Sleep 3
$desde = 'client2@mail.com'
$subject = 'Automat request'
$buzon = 'inbox1@mail.com'
$inc = '000000001'
Send-Email -desde $desde -subject $subject -buzon $buzon -inc $inc