My question is about behavior of Receivers when app is 'Died' - does receivers die also with it, or they are still working in memory?
My problem is about such situation - I can't listen action 'App is destroyed' and carefully do 'unregisterReciever'. So i want to know - what happens with receivers in memory belong to app state.
PS - approachs like doing unregister in 'onstop' of Activity doesn't fit to my situation.
Well ! The behaviour of whether the receiver will die/destroy (In terms of execution) depends upon the type of receiver you are registering. If you are registering your BroadcastReceiver in app Manifest Manifest-declared receivers
then after the app is closed BroadcastReceivers don't die as Official documentation says.
The system creates a new BroadcastReceiver component object to handle each broadcast that it receives. This object is valid only for the duration of the call to onReceive(Context, Intent). Once your code returns from this method, the system considers the component no longer active.
If you declare a broadcast receiver in your manifest, the system launches your app (if the app is not already running) when the broadcast is sent.
The Other type of BroadcastRecievers is Context-registered receivers
Context-registered receivers are those receivers that:
receive broadcasts as long as their registering context is valid. For an example, if you register within an Activity context, you receive broadcasts as long as the activity is not destroyed
in that case when the context of the linked component is destroyed then BroadcastReciever
will also be destroyed.