Here, we can see lots of base calculations
Here, they suggest only for base36
. Upper case letters + numbers
What i want is, to convert from long
value (base 10 ) to upper + lower letters + numbers.
So, according to the first website, i can use such a method.
I want converting to base 10 from base 60 then incrementing.
How can i do this?
Because radix
can be used for maximum base 36.
Here is the complete code, assuming A = 10 and a = 36 :
public static int base = 60;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(test+ " -> "+convertBase10toCustomBase(test));
String test2 = "FFDYWVtKFU7";
System.out.println(test2+" -> "+convertCustomBasetoBase10(test2));
public static String convertBase10toCustomBase(long n){
boolean negative = (n<0); // Remembers if n is negative.
if (negative) n=-n; // Now works with a positive number
String result= "";
do {
result= getBase((int)(n%base))+result;
if(negative) result="-"+result;
return result;
public static char getBase(int n){
return (char)(n+'0'); // Returns the char from numeric value
if(n <35)
return (char)('A'+ n -10); // Returns char in UpperCase if 9 < n < n+base
return (char)('a'+ n -36); // Returns in LowerCase otherwise
public static long convertCustomBasetoBase10(String s){
boolean isNegative=false; // Remembers if the String starts with "-"
isNegative = true;
s=s.substring(1); // Removes the "-" if negative
long result = 0;
// Each char from right to left will be converted to a numeric value
// Each numeric value must be multiplied by a certain power depending on its position, then added to previous ones.
for (int i =0; i<s.length();i++)
result += Math.pow(base,i)*getBase10(s.charAt(s.length()-i-1));
if(isNegative) return -result;
return result;
public static int getBase10(char c){
// If the char represents a number, just return its value
if (!Character.isLetter(c))
return Character.getNumericValue(c);
// If the char is UpperCase, we substract from it
// the value of 'A' and add 10 so that the first char A = 10
return c -'A'+10;
// If LowerCase, we substract the value of 'a' and add 10+26
return c-'a'+36;
Displays :
9223372036854775807 -> FFDYWVtKFU7
FFDYWVtKFU7 -> 9223372036854775807
EDIT : Thanks to Peter Lawrey for suggesting to calculate directly with char values instead of using an array of char.