Is it possible to trigger the accountlinking on an implicit invocated intent? (One which isnt the first intent that is triggered).
When i publish my agent to actions on google with the above settings, i don't get a request to link my account if i trigger the selected intents. If i change the sign in required to the default welcome intent i do get the request.
Is accountlinking on intents other than the main intent possible or do i need specific changes for this?
Thanks in advance!
We fixed it by implementing our own sign-in using actions on google in the register intenthandler. Like such:
CheckAccountLinking: async function(conv, input) {
if (!hasAccountLinked(conv)) {
conv.ask(new actionsOnGoogle.SignIn());
conv.ask(`Continue message`);
const hasAccountLinked = function(conv)
console.log(`checking if account is linked`);
console.log("Payload user:", conv.body.originalDetectIntentRequest.payload.user);
const isLinked = conv.body.originalDetectIntentRequest.payload.user !== undefined && conv.body.originalDetectIntentRequest.payload.user.accessToken !== undefined;
console.log("Has account linked", isLinked);
return isLinked;