I have tried to split documents into sentences, but there are some strange outcomes due to punctuation inside brackets. So I'd like to remove any punctuation.
example input:
A <- c('How to remove all punctuations(like this?) in side it?')
wanted output:
"How to remove all punctuations(like this) in side it?"
Perhaps something like this using a positive lookahead?
gsub("[?!;,.](?=\\))", "", A, perl = T)
#[1] "How to remove all punctuations(like this) in side it?"
Or using POSIX character classes
gsub("[[:punct:]](?=\\))", "", A, perl = T)
Or if you need to match other types of closing brackets (e.g. curly, square)
gsub("[[:punct:]](?=[)\\]}])", "", A, perl = T)