I'm writing a Java web-app that I created a Flickr-app for.
If a Flickr-user registers my app he/she is automatically sent to the URL I entered in Flickr's authentication flow of the app. Along with that I receive a parameter frob
. I can use that one to get the Flickr's user-id of that particular user:
flickrId = flickrj.getAuthInterface().getToken(frob).getUser().getId();
So that works fine.
However, if he/she uses the screen "Apps You're Using" and clicks on my app I don't get any information about the user as far as I can tell. Nonetheless, if I use flickrj like
frob = flickrj.getAuthInterface().getFrob();
I get a frob like 7x1x7x2x2x8x1x1x0-48x9f1xfdbx8ex9d-x00x5x9
(note that I x-ed some numbers), whatever that frob is supposed to be. If I then use that frob on
flickrId = flickrj.getAuthInterface().getToken(frob).getUser().getId();
I run into a
com.aetrion.flickr.FlickrException: 108: Invalid frob
at com.aetrion.flickr.auth.AuthInterface.getToken(AuthInterface.java:182)
What do I need to do to get information about Flickr's currently logged in user? I had hoped to find something like a place-holder I can use in that URL or Flickr automatically sends some parameter, but I couldn't find information about this.
After some more trial and error I simply use the permission URL that flickrj creates.
String frob = flickrj.getAuthInterface().getFrob();
return "redirect:" + flickrj.getAuthInterface().buildAuthenticationUrl(Permission.READ, frob);
This calls the URL I entered in Flickr's authentication flow of the app. The only problem is to distinguish from such a request to when the user came in from Flickr's authorization form.
But that's another story...