I'm wondering how I can subtract a specific value from elements in a vector that are greater than a threshold I set?
for example, if my data is defined as:
numbers = 1:500
data= sample(numbers)
I now have a random list of numbers between 1 and 500.
I now want to subtract 360 from each value in this vector that is greater than 200. Logically i want to write a for loop with an if statement to do this. I have gone as far to write code that looks like this:
for (i in 1:length(data)) {
if data[i]>200 {
data[] - 360
} else {
data[] - 0
This clearly does not work but I am stumped as to what I can do to achieve my goal. Since I will need to plot these data afterwards, I need them to stay in their original order within the output vector. Thanks a ton for the help!
is perfect for the purpose, you can use the data vector of your sample:
data <- ifelse( data > 200, data - 360, data )
So merely to give another taste:
set.seed( 1110 ) # make it reproducible
data <- sample( numbers )
head( data, 10 )
[1] 242 395 440 287 110 46 241 489 276 178
data[ data > 200 ] <- data[ data > 200 ] - 360 # replace inline
head( data )
[1] -118 35 80 -73 110 46 -119 129 -84 178
Your loop would have worked as well after correcting some mistakes, see below:
for (i in 1:length(data)) {
if( data[i]>200 ){
data[ i ] <- data[ i ] - 360}