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Command-line autocompletion for python -m module

Is it possible to get command-line autocompletion of python -m package.subpackage.module?

This is similar to, but not the same as, python ./package/subpackage/, which does autocomplete the directory and file paths. However with -m, python runs the library's module as a script with the appropriate namespacing and import paths.

I'd like to be able to do python -m package.s[TAB] and get autocompletion to subpackage.

Is this feature built in somewhere, or how can I set it up?


  • As said in the comment section, you need to extend the bash-completion tool. Then, you'll create a script which handles the cases you need (ie: when the last argument was -m).

    This little sample below shows a start for your custom completion script. Let's name it

    _python_target() {
        local cur prev opts
        # Retrieving the current typed argument
        # Retrieving the previous typed argument ("-m" for example)
        # Preparing an array to store available list for completions
        # COMREPLY will be checked to suggest the list
        # Here, we'll only handle the case of "-m"
        # Hence, the classic autocompletion is disabled
        # (ie COMREPLY stays an empty array)
        if [[ "$prev" != "-m" ]]
            return 0
        # Retrieving paths and converts their separators into dots
        # (if packages doesn't exist, same thing, empty array)
        if [[ ! -e "./package" ]]
           return 0
        # Otherwise, we retrieve first the paths starting with "./package"
        # and converts their separators into dots
        opts="$(find ./package -type d | sed -e 's+/+.+g' -e 's/^\.//' | head)"
        # We store the whole list by invoking "compgen" and filling
        # COMREPLY with its output content.
        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$opts" -- "$cur"))
    complete -F _python_target python

    (Warning. This script has a flaw, it won't work with filenames containing spaces). To test it, run it in the current environnement:

    . ./

    And test it:

    python -m packag[TAB]

    Here is a tutorial to continue in this way.