I have a table that is initially partitioned by day. At the end of every day no more records will be added to that partition, so I cluster the index and then I then do a lot of number crunching and aggregation on that table (using the index I clustered):
CLUSTER table_a_20181104 USING table_a_20181104_index1;
After a few days (typically a week) I merge the partition for one day into a larger partition that contains all the days data for that month. I use this SQL to achieve this:
WITH moved_rows AS
DELETE FROM table_a_20181104
INSERT INTO table_a_201811
SELECT * FROM moved_rows;
After maybe a month or too I change the tablespace to move the data from an SSD disk to a conventional magnetic hard disk.
My initial clustering of the index at the end of the day definitely improves the performance of the queries run against it.
I know that clustering is a one-off command and needs to be repeated if new records are added/removed.
My questions are:
the partition?Moving the data from one partition to the other will destroy the clustering, so you'll need to re-cluster after it.
will just copy the table files as they are, so clustering will be preserved.
does not move the rows, so clustering will also be preserved.