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How can I configure NiFi's DBCPConnectionPool not to keep idle connections open?

Out of the box, NiFi (at least, as of 1.8.0), appears to keep open one database connection for each DBCPConnectionPool controller service enabled. I have multiple DBCPConnectionPool controller services configured to access the same server with different options, so this quickly adds up against a limited number of connections to my database server. I have a scheduled workflow that runs ~nightly. Connections need not be active except when in active use during a short window of time.

Looking around DBCPConnectionPool documentation, it appears that there are not controller service configuration options associated with Apache Commons-DBCP BasicDataSource parameters like minIdle and maxIdle, which I think should be both set to 0 in my particular use case. Alternatively, I think I could set maxConnLifetimeMillis to something even in the minutes range and satisfy my use case (a connection need not be released immediately but within a reasonable period of time).

Is there a way to pass this options without modifying the DBCPConnectionPool code? Will Commons-DBCP accept these options passed as JDBC parameters by setting them as dynamic properties on a NiFi DBCPConnectionPool controller service configuration?


  • NiFi as of 1.8.0 keeps one connection per database open at all times because it uses the default configuration of Commons-DBCP 2.5.0 that does not clean up connections. The Commons-DBCP default value for timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis is -1, which causes idle connection eviction never to run.

    NiFi 1.8.0 does not expose the Commons-DBCP configuration options necessary to adjust these timings.

    NiFi 1.9.0 will expose these settings, added in this commit.