Search code examples

VBA conditional search and marking

The aim is to search in column A for the word "XXX". When the word is found in that column, the next cell should match the word "C".If it doesn't, carry on with the search for "XXX" in the next row, etc. The issue in my code is that it marks all "C"s. In other words, there is no conditional search where XXX=C.

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For Each cell In ws.Range("A1:A20").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
    Select Case cell.Value2
        Case "XXX"
            col = RGB(202, 225, 255)
        Case Else
            col = 0
    End Select

    If col > 0 Then
        cell.Interior.Color = col
        For Each cell2 In cell.Offset(, 2).Resize(1).SpecialCells  (xlCellTypeConstants)
        res = Switch(cell2.Value = "C", vbGreen)
        If Not IsNull(res) Then Intersect(Range("B:B, J:J, L:L, N:N, Q:Q"), Rows(cell2.Row)).Interior.Color = CLng(res) '
    End If


  • Edited: See Below

    Slightly unsure what you're asking but I think solution is below. I have used much simpler code but it should be adequate.

    For xJ = 1 to 200
        If Range("A" & xJ).Value = "XXX" then
            Range("A" & xJ).Interior.Color = RGB(202, 225, 255)
            If Range("B" & xJ).Value = "C" Then
                Range("B" & xJ).Interior.Color = RGB(57, 225, 20)
            End If
        End if
    Next xJ