What is the correct syntax for adding the image in the XAML below as the parameter on the Command?
<ffimageloading:CachedImage Source="{Binding Source}" Aspect="AspectFit" CacheType="Memory" Opacity="2" x:Name="smallImage" >
Command="{Binding Path=BindingContext.SetImageCommand, Source={x:Reference this}}"
CommandParameter="{Binding smallImage}" />
And the command code it's bound to (CustomCachedImage is just a class derived from a cached image, with an imageName field added)
There will be multiple instances of the calling image as it is in a data template as part of an image slider, so I can't just get the control by name I have to make sure it is the calling control being passed.
public ICommand SetImageCommand
return new Command<CustomCachedImage>((_image) =>
string imgName = _image.ImageName;
changed "{Binding smallImage}" to "{Binding .}" and I got what I needed