I have a list of urls that I'm trying to upload to a spreadsheet with pygsheets. For some reason, instead of updating cells in the specified range, the script only updates one cell. Relevant part of the script below:
wks = sheet.sheet1
where img is a list of URLs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
updated snipped of code
res_list = []
wks = sheet.sheet1
header = wks.cell('A1')
header.value = 'URLs'
for i in res_list:
values=np.array([[image_name]]).tolist(), majordim='ROWS')
the update_cells take a matrix (list of lists). so remove the extra outer list. This should work.
now as you are writing each value in each column, you should convert your values into column major form
matrix = list(map(list, zip(*[img])))
wks = sheet.sheet1
else change major dimension
wks = sheet.sheet1
wks.update_cells('A1:A5',[img], majordim="COLUMNS")
EDIT: updated code
res_list = []
wks = sheet.sheet1
header = wks.cell('A1')
header.value = 'URLs'
for i in res_list:
image_name = get_new_name() # get the new url/value for next cell
wks.update_values(crange="A"+str(j), values=np.array([[image_name]]).tolist())
EDIT2: working version (switched to earlier version of pygsheets)
res_list = []
wks = sheet.sheet1
h = res_list
im_name = [str(i) for i in h]
for i in im_name:
wks.update_cell('A'+str(im_name.index(i)+1), i)