I have the following code:
connection = pymysql.connect(...)
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "select cola,colb from ...."
result = cursor.fetchall()
How to build a list from the result?
The query returns data as:
cola colb
123 abc
124 abd
140 ghf
is the key
is the value
I know it should be something like:
list = []
for i in range (0, ????):
cola_value = result[0][i].get('cola')
colb_value = result[1][i].get('colb')
list.append((cola_value, colb_value))
I'm wondering what is the correct syntax and if this is the correct approach? I want to be able to search the list by key and access the value by key.
I'll need 2-3 lists each one with around 900000 (key,value) pairs. Is it smart to manage it in memory or better to write it to file and process it on disk?
I did not try this, but you should be able to use a list comprehension:
list = [(r['cola'], r['colb']) for r in result]
If you plan to do lookups by key, using a dictionary would be even better:
map = {r['cola']: r['colb'] for r in result}
Then if you want to find the value corresponding with they key 123
value = map[123]
Regarding whether or not it makes sense to hold 900,000 pairs depends on your hardware resources - there are probably more memory efficient ways to do it, but you might need to install some additional dependencies.