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C# Method overloading resolution and user-defined implicit conversions

I try to find some information about method overloading resolution in case of presence of user-defined implicit conversions and about conversions priority.

This code:

class Value
    private readonly int _value;
    public Value(int val)
        _value = val;

    public static implicit operator int(Value value)
        return value._value;

    public static implicit operator Value(int value)
        return new Value(value);

class Program
    static void ProcessValue(double value)
        Console.WriteLine("Process double");

    static void ProcessValue(Value value)
        Console.WriteLine("Process Value");

    static void Main(string[] args)
        ProcessValue(new Value(10));

Produces output:

Process Value
Process Value

So, It looks like compiler chosen user-defined conversion instead of built-in implicit conversion from int to double (built-in conversion is implicit due to info from this page

I tried to find something about this in specification, but with no success.

Why compiler selected ProcessValue(Value value) instead of ProcessValue(double value)


  • In this case, the conversion between int -> double takes lower precedence because a user-defined implicit conversion between int -> Value exists.

    See: User-defined operator implementations always take precedence over predefined operator implementations.