This piece of code has been working well until a few days ago when I upgraded angularfire and firebase:
From "angularfire2": "5.0.0-rc.4"
, to "angularfire2": "^5.1.0"
from "firebase": "4.8.0"
, to "firebase": "^5.5.7"
this.dataProvider.getGroup(this.groupId).snapshotChanges().subscribe((group) => { = group.payload.val();
this.groupMembers = null;
// Get group members
if (group.payload.val().members) {
group.payload.val().members.forEach((memberId) => {
this.dataProvider.getUser(memberId).snapshotChanges().subscribe((member) => {
// Get user's contacts to add
this.dataProvider.getCurrentUser().snapshotChanges().subscribe((account) => {
if (account.payload.val().contacts) {
//Delete log
console.log('My contacts',account.payload.val().contacts);
for (var i = 0; i < account.payload.val().contacts.length; i++) {
this.dataProvider.getUser(account.payload.val().contacts[i]).snapshotChanges().subscribe((contact) => {
// Only contacts that are not yet a member of this group can be added.
contact = { $key: contact.key,};
//Delete log
console.log('Is contact',contact,' already added?',this.isMember(contact));
if (!this.isMember(contact))
if (!this.contacts) {
this.contacts = [];
} else {
this.contacts = [];
This is the getGroup()
in the provider:
getGroup(groupId) {
return this.angularfire.object('/groups/' + groupId);
It is bringing this error everywhere there is payload.val()
in the project.
This is what I had to do to get it working:
this.dataProvider.getGroup(this.groupId).snapshotChanges().subscribe((group) => {
let data: any = group.payload.val();
if (data.members) {
/* do something */
So apparently I had to include : any
. Again, given that is was working before I made the upgrade - the experts will tell us more of the cause.