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C: Unable to use modulus operators to break down change into denominations, storing into an array and print the output to the user

I'm attempting to write a program in which:

  • The user inputs the cost of an item
  • The user inputs the amount they paid for the item
  • The program determines if the user is owed any change
  • The program calculates the amount of change owed
  • The program uses the modulus operator to break the amount of change down into coin denominations
  • The program stores the change and coin denominations into an array This is the first bit at which I'm getting stuck
  • The program displays the amount of change in coin denominations to the user

The purpose is to use an array to hold the values of the coins, so I "can write a general purpose change calculator that can be used for any coinage by changing the contents of the array".

Here is my code:

void vendingMachine()

    // Declarations
    #define ARRAY_LENGTH 6

    int itemCost;
    int amountEntered;
    int fifty, twenty, ten, five, two, one; 
    int remainder;

    // User input

    printf("Please enter the cost of the item in pence: ");
    scanf_s("%d", &itemCost);
    while (itemCost <= 0 || itemCost > 99)
        printf("You've entered an invalid amount. Please enter an amount between 1p and 99p: ");
        scanf_s("%d", &itemCost);

    printf("Please enter the amount entered into the machine in pence: ");
    scanf_s("%d", &amountEntered);
    while (amountEntered <= 0 || amountEntered > 100)
        printf("You've entered an invalid amount. Please enter an amount between 1p and 100p: ");
        scanf_s("%d", &amountEntered);

    while (amountEntered < itemCost)
        printf("You've entered an invalid amount. Please enter an amount equal to or higher than the cost of the item: ");
        scanf_s("%d", &amountEntered);

    // Program to determine if the customer is owed any change and, if so, how much is owed

    if (amountEntered == itemCost)
        printf("No change is owed to the customer");
    else if (amountEntered > itemCost)
        int change = amountEntered - itemCost;
        printf("The amount of change owed to the customer is: %d pence, broken down as follows: \n", change);

        fifty = change / 50;
        remainder = change % 50;
        twenty = remainder / 20;
        remainder = remainder % 20;
        ten = remainder / 10;
        remainder = remainder % 10;
        five = remainder / 5;
        remainder = remainder % 5;
        two = remainder / 2;
        remainder = remainder % 2;
        one = remainder;

         // Program to store the change in an array

        int count[ARRAY_LENGTH];
        count[0] = fifty;
        count[1] = twenty;
        count[2] = ten;
        count[3] = five;
        count[4] = two;
        count[5] = one;

        for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++)
             count[i] = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++)
            printf("The number of %d coins is: %d\n", //I don't know what to do here);


  • Store the type of coins in an array as well, e.g.

    const int coins[ARRAY_LENGTH] = { 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 };

    Then you can easily refer to them in your loop:

    printf("The number of %d coins is: %d\n", coins[i], count[i]);

    This also allows you to perform your modulo calculations in a loop.