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How to correctly send RPC call using Golang to get smart-contract owner?


Since I'm not able to achieve this using the approach in this question, I created my own library to do the same thing (link). It doesn't rely on go-ethereum package but use the normal net/http package to do JSON RPC request.

I still love to know what I did wrong in my approach below.


  • owner = public variable in contract with address type
  • contract = smart-contract that has owner

This is the curl request to get the owner of a contract. I managed to get the owner. (JSON RPC docs)

curl localhost:8545 -X POST \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_call", "params":[{"to": "0x_MY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS", "data": "0x8da5cb5b"}, "latest"], "id":1}'


But when I try to replicate it in Golang (code below), I got json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type main.response error. (go-ethereum code that I use)

package main

import (


func main() {
    client, err := rpc.DialHTTP(os.Getenv("RPC_SERVER"))
    if err != nil {
    defer client.Close()

    type request struct {
        To   string `json:"to"`
        Data string `json:"data"`

    type response struct {
        Result string

    req := request{"0x_MY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS", "0x8da5cb5b"}
    var resp response
    if err := client.Call(&resp, "eth_call", req, "latest"); err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("%v\n", resp)

What did I miss here?

Expected result:

Address in string format. E.g. 0x3ab17372b25154400738C04B04f755321bB5a94b

P/S — I'm aware of abigen and I know it's better and easier to do this using abigen. But I'm trying to solve this specific issue without using abigen method.


  • You can solve the problem best using the go-ethereum/ethclient:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        client, _ := ethclient.Dial("")
        defer client.Close()
        contractAddr := common.HexToAddress("0xCc13Fc627EFfd6E35D2D2706Ea3C4D7396c610ea")
        callMsg := ethereum.CallMsg{
            To:   &contractAddr,
            Data: common.FromHex("0x8da5cb5b"),
        res, err := client.CallContract(context.Background(), callMsg, nil)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Error calling contract: %v", err)
        log.Printf("Owner: %s", common.BytesToAddress(res).Hex())