Basically, I have two component TodosComponent
and TodoDetailsComponent
. Clicking on an item in TodosComponent
takes me to the TodoDetailsComponent
where I grab the parameter and fetch the required data from the API. All is working great.
But I want to make a next button on my TodoDetailsComponent
so that the id passed to the parameter changes and I get the desired result based on the parameter as subscribed to the activatedRoute params. I google(d) and stackoverflow(ed) a lot but unable to find an example which give me direction to carry on. Here is the working demo of the issue. Let me know if required more information. Any information will be helpful that whether is it possible or not.
template: `<p>Todo Details Component</p>
<div>{{ todo | json }}</div>
<button type="button" (click)="next()">Next</button>
export class TodoDetailsComponent implements OnInit{
constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private service: Service) { }
ngOnInit() {
switchMap(params => this.getTodo(+params.get('id')))
).subscribe(todo => this.todo = todo);
getTodo(id) {
return this.service.getTodo(id);
next() {
// if i grab the id over here and increment
// by id++ the id increases but as can be seen
// parameter is still the same, so won't work
Your route will still remain the same if you change the value of id
, you can try and navigate using Router
to your desired id
You can take help of this demo