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Creating a dynamic SQL Query from Python

I am using the below set of parameters to create a dynamic sql query and running it from python.

target_column = 'connect_status'
table_name = 'public.main_table'

query_params = {'month_date' : '201801',
                'churn_date' : ['201802','201803','201804'],
                'disco_target' : '1-3 Month Disco'

for churn in query_params['churn_date']:
    sql_data_sample = str("""select * from {1}
                                where dt = %(month_date)s 
                                and churn_date = %(churn)s
                                and {0} IN (%(disco_target)s,'No Disco') order by random() limit 5000
    print (sql_data_sample)

    df_data_sample = pd.read_sql(sql_data_sample,con = cnxn,params = query_params)

However this gives an DatabaseError:

Execution failed on sql 'select * from public.main_table
                                where dt = %(month_date)s 
                                and churn_date = %(churn)s
                                and connect_status IN (%(disco_target)s,'No Disco') order by random() limit 5000
                                ;': 'churn'

Can someone please help me to correct this?


  • The problem is because churn is not available in query_params. Modify your code to

    for churn in query_params['churn_date']:
           sql_data_sample = str("""select * from {1}
                                where dt = %(month_date)s 
                                and churn_date = %(churn)s
                                and {0} IN (%(disco_target)s,'No Disco') order by random() limit 5000
            print (sql_data_sample)
            query_params['churn'] = churn
            df_data_sample = pd.read_sql(sql_data_sample,con = cnxn,params = query_params)
        except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: