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Python - Write multiple JSON files each time user submits the form

This code writes a file named vip.json. Currently, it is overwriting the same file each time i submit the form. But, I want - Each time i click on submit in my form (which is built in flask) I want new files created for each submission. Something like - vip1.json, vip2.json, vip3.json and so on each time the form is submitted.

from flask import Flask, render_template, url_for, flash, redirect, request, 
jsonify, json
from forms import RequestForm

@app.route("/home", methods=['POST'])
def home():
form = RequestForm()
employee_id =
email =
network =
app_name =
vip_name =
pool_name =
pool_monitor =
pool_member =
load_balance =
ssl =


data = {
    'Employee ID': employee_id,
    'Email': email,
    'Network': network,
    'App Name': app_name,
    'VIP Name': vip_name,
    'Pool name': pool_name,
    'Pool Monitor': pool_monitor,
    'Pool Member': pool_member,
    'Load Balancing Method': load_balance,
    'SSL': ssl

if form.validate_on_submit():
    with open("C:\\pytest\\vip.json",'w') as j:
        json.dump(data, j)

    return render_template ('home.html', title='Home', data=data, form=form, employee_id=employee_id, email=email, network=network, app_name=app_name, vip_name=vip_name, pool_name=pool_name, pool_monitor=pool_monitor, pool_member=pool_member, load_balance=load_balance, ssl=ssl)
    return render_template('request.html', form=form)

I had a look online but i could not get anything useful. What will be the best way to do this?


  • You could use glob to scan your directory and get a list of all your json files, get the file with the latest version, then iterate it by one for the new file's name:

    import os
    import glob
    # Use glob to get a list of existing vip files.
    dir = "C:/pytest/"
    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, "vip*.json")) # Let's say it returns ["C:/pytest/vip1.json", "C:/pytest/vip2.json", "C:/pytest/vip3.json"]
    # Grab the latest vip file.
    latest_file = sorted(files)[-1]
    # Strip the path so it's just the file's name.
    file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(latest_file))[0]
    # Extract the number from the file's name.
    num = int(file_name.lstrip("vip"))
    # Generate your new path.
    new_path = os.path.join(dir, "vip{}.json".format(num + 1))
    # Output of new_path: C:/pytest/vip4.json

    You may need additional error checking, like if num is really a number or if there are no existing files then to default num to 1, but I'll leave that to you.