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How to plot LTP vs. time from data available in a matrix in the form of Date, time, LTP

I have data in 3 columns:(as shown below

  • Date Time LTP
  • 20180102 09:16 1800
  • ... ... ... I wanna plot it in R so that I get time on the x-axis and LTP on the y-axis. Since there are around 360 rows every day (every minute LTP changes), the x variable shall be date:time I am new to R and I need help in this. Thanks in anticipation


  • Try this:

    z <- read.zoo("myfile.dat", header = TRUE, index = 1:2, format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M", tz = "")
    # classic graphics
    # ggplot2 graphics


    To generate a file for the sample data provided in the question try this; however, with only one point you won't see anything on a line graph.

    cat("Date Time LTP\n20180102 09:16 1800", file = "myfile.dat")