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angular NGRX: Not able to select single value in ngrx entity based on id

I am trying to select an object by Id from the entity state. Below is my reducer.

 export interface MessageState extends EntityState<Message> {
  // additional entities state properties
  loaded: boolean;
  loading: boolean;

export const adapter: EntityAdapter<Message> = createEntityAdapter<Message>({
  selectId: (msg: Message) => msg.messageId,

export const initialState: MessageState = adapter.getInitialState({
  // additional entity state properties
  loaded: false,
  loading: false,

export function reducer(state = initialState, action: MessageActionsUnion): MessageState {
  switch (action.type) {

    case MessageActionTypes.UPSERT_Message: {
      return { ...state, loading: true, loaded: false };

    case MessageActionTypes.UPSERT_Message_SUCCESS: {
      return adapter.upsertOne(action.payload.Message,
          ...state, loaded: true, loading: false,


    default: {
      return state;

Below is my index.ts file

export interface State extends fromRoot.AppState {
  queueModule: QueueState;

export interface QueueState {
  msgHeaders: fromMsgHeaders.MessageHeaderState

export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<QueueState> = {
  msgHeaders: fromMsgHeaders.reducer


export const getQueueState$ = createFeatureSelector<QueueState>('queueModule');

I am trying to form a selector when passed an Id will return the value from the entity.

    export const selectMessages = createSelector(
      (state: fromFeatures.QueueState) => state.msgs

    export const {
      selectAll: selectAllMessages,
      selectEntities: selectMessagesEntities,
      selectIds: selectMessagesIds,
      selectTotal: selectMessagesTotal
    } = adapter.getSelectors(selectMessages);

I looked at many resources, but none are clear on how to select an object by passing the id.


  • @ngrx/entity does provide a getEntityValueById after their release of v6.1.0 (ngrx entity changelog) where they have introduced dictionary.

    Thus using this, I was able to pull a single value of an entity by its id in the below way.

    // in the selector
    import { Dictionary} from '@ngrx/entity;
    export const getMessageById = () => {
      return createSelector(
        (entities: Dictionary<Message>, props: { messageId: number }) => {
          return entities[props.messageId];
    //to call the selector
    this.msg$ =
          fromStore.getMessageById(), { messageId: 10 }
            (message: Message) => {
              return this.msg = message;

    Also a great reference for this approach has been documented here.