The person building a WP site for me is stuck for some time now with this problem. He needs to attach some custom PDF files into the order confirmation mail. He uses woocommerce_emails_attach_downloadables
function to do that. For some reason that function is getting called with the $order
parameter being empty.
Here is the code he uses :
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_attachments', 'attach_order_notice', 10, 3 );
function attach_order_notice ( $attachments, $email_id, $order )
// Only for "New Order" email notification (for admin)
if( $email_id == 'customer_on_hold_order' ){
$pdf_options = array(
// "source_type" => 'html',
// "source" => '<html>hello</html>',
"source_type" => 'url',
"source" => '',
"action" => 'save',
"save_directory" => get_template_directory() .'/pdfs',
"file_name" => 'print-pdf'. json_encode($order) .'.pdf');
// phptopdf($pdf_options);
$attachments[] = get_template_directory() . '/pdfs/print-pdf.pdf';
return $attachments;
So my questions are:
What are those cases ?
What can cause $order
to be passed as empty ?
Your developer has been using maybe this woocommerce official snippet (That is outdated as it is 3 years old) and it uses woocommerce_email_attachments
filter hook.
This filter hook is defined:
class (with the $order
argument) WC_emails
Class (without the $order
argument) So the
is only defined inWC_Email
class as third argument.
That means that this outdated official code need to be tweaked as follow:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_attachments', 'woocommerce_emails_attach_downloadables', 10, 3 );
function woocommerce_emails_attach_downloadables( $attachments, $email_id, $order ) {
// Avoiding errors and problems
if ( ! is_a( $order, 'WC_Order' ) || ! isset( $email_id ) ) {
return $attachments;
// ===> Your custom code goes Here <===
return $attachments;
This should work avoiding problems.
So as you are asking, this hook is also used on the following specific product notifications with really different hook arguments:
- On "Low stock" notification (with
as 2nd & 3rd arguments)- On "No stock" notification (with
as 2nd & 3rd arguments)- On "Backorder" notification (with
as 2nd & 3rd arguments)So here the 2nd argument is the stock status
and the 3rd argument is theWC_Product
(or an array$args
Then In those 3 notifications, the $order
object doesn't exist as it can be a WC_Product
Object, an array, an empty array, or null.