I've started to refactor the ext:crawler to make it compatible with TYPO3 9LTS.
Currently we have a domain model based only on a database table + a TCA configuration:
https://github.com/AOEpeople/crawler/blob/master/ext_tables.sql#L48 https://github.com/AOEpeople/crawler/blob/master/Configuration/TCA/tx_crawler_configuration.php
I want to add a regular Domain Model and Repository for the Configurations instead, to benefit more from the code from TYPO3 Core.
My problem is currently:
I don't know how to migrate data from the already existing table tx_crawler_configuration
to the new tx_crawler_domain_model_configuration
without the users are loosing any data, or need to do any manual work.
I haven't found anything on this topic yet. I know I can "use foreign data source" but it's not foreign data, so not sure this is the best approach. https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseFluidBook/6-Persistence/4-use-foreign-data-sources.html
I appreciate your input, thanks.
Torben Hansen just did something similar, when he migrated sf_bannners
from using own Category concept to use the sys_category concept of TYPO3
What he does is creating a ext_update.php script that is being called automatically upon installation. You can see his commit here
and probably catch him on Slack with any questions