In a list view I have two events happening, a tap event, and a longpress event, but longpress fires both. Inside the .html file:
<ListView class="listViewContainer" [items]="contactList">
<ng-template let-item="item" let-i="index">
And then the .ts file
loaded(args) {
const element = args.object;
element.on("loaded, tap, longPress", (args) => {
// console.log("Event: " + args.eventName + ", sender: " + args.object);
if(args.eventName === "tap") {
this.router.navigate(["card/contact/" +]);
} else {
this.togglePreviewOptions = !this.togglePreviewOptions;
My question is, how can I prevent the tap event from being fired when long pressing on the specific field?
This might be duplicate issue of NativeScript tap & longPress together not working, however since there has not been a clear answer I would like to raise it again.
Edit Some more info: The project tns version is
$ tns --version 4.3.0-2018-08-31-12160
Global nativescript version
Emulator version:
Iphone 6, iOS 11.3
I have not been able to solve this issue by adding two different events (tap/longPress). As a solution i use the following
Inside .html
<StackLayout (touch)="onTouch($event)">
<Contact-Preview [contact]=contactList[i]></Contact-Preview>
Inside .ts
onTouch(args: TouchGestureEventData) {
if(args.action === "down") {
this.start = new Date().getMilliseconds();
if(args.action === "up") {
this.end = new Date().getMilliseconds();
const duration = Math.abs(this.start - this.end)
console.log(duration > 150? "long press": "tap")
This prevents tap and longPress events being fired on the same time, thus working around my issue.