In my Laravel 5.5 Project, I have saved the images in folder 'public/uploads' and I can read the images too with the URL http://localhost/my_project/public/uploads/77FAk4TSvXbX.jpg. Then I attempted to store the images in 'D:/Uploads' which was successful using the configuration
'local' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => 'D:/Uploads'
But now I am stuck at retrieving these images. I cannot read the images directly as in case I could do previously, straight though URL.
Can anyone please help me for this?
Here is the code written to upload images to D:/Uploads
$image = str_random(12) . "." . $request->image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$request->image->storeAs('', $image);
Write 'visibility' => 'public',
in the configuration file inside local
array and then try following code:
$contents = Storage::get('path_to_file');
It should work. If you still have any issue let me know.