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Increasing the memory size of an Intellij Plugin

I'm developing an Intellij-Plugin. The Plugin needs to have 2GB of HeapMemory (... yes it really needs to ;) ). I found out how I can increase the Memory of the Intellij IDEA VM bis editing the idea64.exe.vmoptions-file like this:


If i enable the memory indicator, i can see that it worked.

But if i run/debug my plugin out of Intellij, the "sandbox"-Intellij has only 1GB of RAM.

It throws the flowing warning:

High memory usage (free 101 of 914 MB) while dumping threads

How can i increase the RAM of the sandbox-Plugin?


  • Setting VM Options in run configuration doesn't work for me.

    I found more proper way to do it from this. Add the following to your build.gradle:

    runIde {
      jvmArgs '-Xmx2G'