Search code examples

Interval numbers in matrix

I have a data frame with 3523 observation and 92 variables.

Below an example of a data frame with 6; the 24h recording of the observations starts at 4:00am and ends 4:00am .

  04:00   04:15   04:30 05:00  ...  04:35
1  -       -     -       -     ...  -
2  2       2     2       -     ...  -
3  2       -     -       2     ...  -
4  -       -     2       -     ...  -
5  -       -     -       -     ...  -
6  -       -     -       -     ...  2 

Each row contain values '-' and '2'.

I want to extract the beginning and the ending of the intervals starting with: '2'

For example 2: 04:15-04:30; 
            3: 04:00 ; 05:00
            4: 04:30 

Thank you


  • Let's expand a bit your example. In the expanded example, we can note that there is no 2 for the row number 1, and that there are also several trickier ones, like for example row 6 where we have 2, then a break (-), after that a sequence of two 2s, a -, and a 2 again.

        04:00 04:15 04:30 05:00 05:15 05:30
     1:     -     -     -     -     -     -
     2:     2     2     2     -     2     2
     3:     2     -     -     2     2     2
     4:     -     -     2     -     2     2
     5:     -     -     -     -     2     2
     6:     2     -     2     2     -     2
     7:     -     -     -     -     2     2
     8:     2     2     -     2     2     2
     9:     -     -     -     -     2     2
    10:     2     2     -     2     2     2

    You can reproduce it if you type in:

    WorkSchedulesDay1 <- structure(list(`04:00` = c("-", "2", "2", "-", "-", "2", "-", 
    "2", "-", "2"), `04:15` = c("-", "2", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 
    "2", "-", "2"), `04:30` = c("-", "2", "-", "2", "-", "2", "-", 
    "-", "-", "-"), `05:00` = c("-", "-", "2", "-", "-", "2", "-", 
    "2", "-", "2"), `05:15` = c("-", "2", "2", "2", "2", "-", "2", 
    "2", "2", "2"), `05:30` = c("-", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", 
    "2", "2", "2")), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("data.table", 

    After that you apply the code:

    WorkSchedulesDay1 <- WorkSchedulesDay1 %>% 
      group_by(rn = row_number()) %>% 
      gather(time, val, 1:6) %>%
      arrange(time) %>%
      mutate(tmp = cumsum(coalesce(val != lag(val), FALSE))) %>% arrange(rn) %>%
      filter(!val == "-") %>%
      group_by(rn, tmp) %>%
        time = case_when(
          n() > 1 ~ paste(min(time), max(time), sep = " - "),
          TRUE ~ time
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>% distinct(rn, tmp, time) %>%
      group_by(rn) %>%
        intervals = case_when(
          n() > 1 ~ paste(time, collapse = ", "),
          TRUE ~ time
      ) %>% distinct(rn, intervals) %>%

    You will see that what you get is:

         rn intervals                   
      <int> <chr>                       
         2 04:00 - 04:30, 05:15 - 05:30
         3 04:00, 05:00 - 05:30        
         4 04:30, 05:15 - 05:30        
         5 05:15 - 05:30               
         6 04:00, 04:30 - 05:00, 05:30 
         7 05:15 - 05:30               
         8 04:00 - 04:15, 05:00 - 05:30
         9 05:15 - 05:30               
        10 04:00 - 04:15, 05:00 - 05:30

    There is no record for the row number 1, simply because there are only - in there.

    Similarly, there is no record for 05:00 in row number 2, simply because there is a - in there.

    In a similar fashion, there is 04:00, 04:30 - 05:00, 05:30 for row number 6, because there are - for 04:15 and 05:15.