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Plotting same line number of several blocks data with gnuplot

I have a data file with the following structure

block1: line 1
        line 2
        line 3
block2: line 1
        line 2
        line 3
block3: .....

To plot only the block2, I use the command

plot 'file' u x1:x2 every :::2::2 w l

How to gather only line 1 of each block on the plot command?


  • (Revised versions)

    If you have empty lines in your data, gnuplot will separate the plotted line. So, if you are selecting just the first line of each block you could plot this with points and with linespoints, but when plotted with lines you won't see anything because all lines are disconnected.

    Three possible solutions:

    1. plot the selected data into a table (datablock) and plot this datablock. (Simpler plot command but probably more memory usage).

    2. plot your data with vectors from one datapoint to the next. (No extra memory (datablock) required, but more complex plot command). This looks like with lines. If you want with linespoints you need to plot the same data a second time with points.

    3. you could filter your data and remove empty lines with an external tool and plot the filtered data. However, if possible, I prefer gnuplot-only solutions because they are platform-independent.

    Data: SO53223558.dat

    # block line  x    y
     0      0     1    0
     0      1     2    1
     0      2     3    2
     0      3     4    3
     1      0     5   10
     1      1     6   11
     1      2     7   12
     1      3     8   13
     2      0     9   20
     2      1    10   21
     2      2    11   22
     2      3    12   23

    Script 1: (requires gnuplot>=5.0.0, because of datablocks)

    ### plot values of different blocks connected with lines
    reset session
    FILE = "SO53223558.dat"
    set table $Data
       plot FILE u 3:4 every ::0::0 w table
    unset table
    set key top left
    plot FILE  u 3:4 w lp pt 7 lc "grey" ti "all data",\
         $Data u 1:2 w lp pt 7 lc "green" lw 2 ti "1st of each block"
    ### end of script

    Result 1:

    enter image description here

    Script 2: (requires gnuplot>=4.4.0, March 2010)

    ### plot values of different blocks connected with lines
    FILE = "SO53223558.dat"
    set key top left
    plot FILE  u 3:4 w lp pt 7 lc rgb "grey" ti "all data",\
        x1=y1=NaN FILE u (x0=x1,x1=$3):(y0=y1,y1=$4):(x0-x1):(y0-y1) every ::0::0 \
           w vec lc rgb "blue" lw 2 nohead ti "1st of each block"
    ### end of script

    Result 2:

    enter image description here


    If you want to do this with several files, try the following example below. The datafiles should be named SO53223558_n.dat where n is from 1 to 3. No data and output is shown here.

    Script: (works with gnuplot>=5.0.0)

    ### plot every Nth line of all blocks of several systematic files
    reset session
    count = 3   # number of files
    N = 0       # Nth line of each block, index is zero based
    set table $Data
        do for [i=1:count] { 
            FILE = sprintf("SO53223558_%d.dat", i)
            plot FILE u 3:4 every ::N::N w table
    unset table
    plot $Data u 1:2 w lp pt 7 lc "red"
    ### end of script