I am making an autohotkey script to switch to a text editor, but depending on what I'm working on I may have different text editors.
I created a group TextEditor with my three text editors:
GroupAdd, TextEditor, ahk_class Notepad++
GroupAdd, TextEditor, ahk_exe Code.exe
GroupAdd, TextEditor, ahk_class Notepad
The group seems to be created properly but whenever I use GroupActivate, TextEditor, R
it always opens Nodepad++ and repeated presses switch between the three editors.
I want it to open whatever I last used first, like if I was using Code and switched to another program it should activate Code again.
GroupAdd, TextEditor, ahk_class Notepad++
GroupAdd, TextEditor, ahk_exe Code.exe
GroupAdd, TextEditor, ahk_class Notepad
IfWinActive ahk_group TextEditor
GroupActivate, TextEditor, R
list := ""
; windows are retrieved in order from the most recent to the last activated:
WinGet, myWindows, List, ahk_group TextEditor
WinActivate, ahk_id %myWindows1% ; activate the most recently active window in this group