I am attempting to encode a folium
choropleth as StringIO
. I am basing my answer of a related query. I have checked the answers here and here.
AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'encode'
def get_choropleth(self, request):
# make choropleth ('m')
html_string = m.get_root().render()
f = StringIO(html_string)
choropleth = base64.b64decode(f.read())
choropleth = choropleth.encode('utf8') # causing error
return {'choropleth':choropleth}
After some trial-and-error, the following worked for me:
def get_choropleth(self, request):
# make choropleth ('m')
html_string = m.get_root().render()
encoded_bytes = html_string.encode('utf-8')
encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(encoded_bytes)
encoded_bytes = encoded_bytes.decode('utf8') # decode the b64 bytes for Unicode
choropleth = encoded_bytes
return {'choropleth':choropleth}