So I've got multiple tomcat instances setup on several AJP ports, I also have Apache httpd listening on port 8090 (cos I've got another app already using 8080 at the moment).
I've successfully mapped urls such as mydomain.com:8090/demo and mydomain.com:8090/preprod to their respective tomcat instances using Jk Mount and the following vhosts config;
<VirtualHost *:8090>
JkMount /preprod* preprod
JkMount /demo* demo
But I also want the "root" address to map to another tomcat instance, what will become live/production, ie I want mydomain.com:8090/ to map a 3rd tomcat instance.
At the moment nothing happens or changes if I just add to the above config a line;
JkMount /* rootwar
if I browse to mydomain.com:8090 I just get the same boring apache httpd landing page letting me know its running (ie index.html in httpd/htdocs)
Is it possible to use JkMount to redirect the "root" address stuff to a tomcat instance?
I can see that a rule like /* will also match URLs like mydomain.com/preprod but I was hoping the rules are applied in order so if /* appears at the end it effectively would be a "if its not one of the other environments, then direct to root/production"
Just to be clear I'm trying to setup the following;
mydomain.com:8090/preprod --> myApp running in tomcat1
mydomain.com:8090/demo --> myApp running in tomcat2
mydomain.com:8090 --> myApp running in tomcat3
Ok so turns out I was right about the fall through behaviour of the JkMount stuff, thus a config like;
<VirtualHost *:8090>
JkMount /preprod* preprod
JkMount /demo* demo
JKMount /* root
works great, urls with /preprod in them got to tomcat1, /demo goes to tomcat2 and anything else goes to tomcat3 for root. So the JkMount /* root line is obviously the last rule tried and only "catches all" (cos its /*) if none of the other rules have matched the url.