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PhpStorm Drag & Drop files from Explorer

Can you please help, how to drag and drop files from Windows Explorer to the PhpStorm editor?

I have enabled the Drag and Drop feature in settings, but the drag&drop works only for the files from the internal explorer in the left column in the editor.

If I want to drag and drop my html files from my Desktop, or from Windows Explorer, PhpStorm doesn't allow this.

How can I enable this feature? All other editors I ever used had this functionality...


  • Sooo, thank you all for the answers, I think I found the cause of the issue. I had PHPStorm set to run as administrator. When I removed this setting from the shortcut, now the files are draggable! However this is strange, why the dragging doesn't work in administrator mode, but at least now I know and it works. As spoken with JetBrains support, this is a reported bug.