I am using CodeIgniter. I have an employee table and records are
id |firstname | lastname | mobileno | created_by
2 |mnb | nbgfv | 1452145625 | 1
3 |jhg | uhgf | 1452365478 | 2
4 |poi | ijuy | 1458745632 | 2
5 |tgf | tgfd | 1458745254 | 2
6 |wer | qwes | 1523654512 | 2
Now My issue is in the column created_by
. When I am displaying the record of any id value then I am getting the output like
id |firstname | lastname | mobileno | created_by
3 |jhg | uhgf | 1452365478 | 2
But my expected output
id |firstname | lastname | mobileno | created_by
3 |jhg | uhgf | 1452365478 | mnb nbgfv
I have to display the name of created_by
I tried only this query.
$get_single_emp_record = array('id' => 3);
$query = $this->db->get('tbl_employee');
$result = $query->row();
return $result;
return 0;
I have a hint (maybe this can give solution in your problem). Try query like this :
t1.id , t1.firstname , t1.lastname ,t1.mobileno,
CONCAT(t2.firstname ," ",t2.lastname ) AS createby
FROM tbl_employee AS t1
JOIN tbl_employee AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.created_by
WHERE t1.id = '3'
With above query you no need create temporary table or other additional tables. I Tested it. >>> http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/e693cf/2/0