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Prevent lightbox closing when clicking on my own button

I am using SimpleLightbox v1.15.0 and want to be able to rotate images using a button. I have added a button to a downloaded demo page and (after much effort) have the button appear with the lightbox and disappear when closed.

I have written this underneath the existing function...

}); try and get the rotation working but as the div with class sl-image containing the image rotates, the lightbox fades out/closes. I want the lightbox to stay when this button is clicked.

Am I missing something?


  • I have discovered an answer to my own question. The associated javascript file has a small block of code that looks like this:

    // close on click on doc
    $( document ).on('click.'+prefix+ ' touchstart.'+prefix, function(e){
            if((options.docClose && $('.sl-image').length === 0 && $('.sl-navigation').length === 0)){

    I added

    $('.theButton').length === 0

    to the inner most if statement and this seems to have stopped closing the lightbox when clicking on the button.